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Poster: GnarlyC Date: Aug 31, 2004 9:12am
Forum: election_2004 Subject: Re: Socialism for America

"The capitalist system forces workers to sell their abilities and skills to the few who own the workplaces, profit from these workers' labor, and use the government to maintain their privileged position."

Sorry, but this is a bunch of bunk. The largest part of the workforce in the USA is created by small business. There are millions of businesses run out of people's homes. You make it sound like there are just a few people who employ everyone else. That is not true. The US is a place where if you work hard and smart, you will get ahead. Socialism creates a group of people who 'need' the rest of society in order to survive. That's what our current welfare/food stamps/AFDC system has already started to create. It is just human nature for some people to take the easy way out. What the rest of us need to do is to encourage them to work and learn and bettter themselves, not depend on everyone else for their survival.

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Poster: mbrlr Date: Oct 30, 2004 4:18pm
Forum: election_2004 Subject: Re: Socialism for America

Pure unadulterated socialism isn't feasible, but a liberal social policy and programs are --- much of our growth and economic flexibility in the last century was caused by all those terrible government programs and handouts the Democrats put in place. Just curious --- was the GI Bill a wicked socialist notion that you would have opposed? Are you going to turn down your Social Security, supposing the Republicans haven't trashed it entirely?

Your remarks re welfare/food stamps/AFDC are troublesome. These are steps we've taken to help these folks survive and overcome the problems they have so that they might contribute to society, and those programs have worked well despite being drastically underfunded. Further underfunding or simply cutting those programs off is just penny-wise and pound-foolish --- cutting off our nose to spite o...well, actually just done to make us feel superior to poor folks.

Underlying almost all modern conservative philosophy are two things: pride and selfishness. The Democratic Party's candidates haven't quite known how to address that because the pride and the selfishness have been so unbelievably out there and so "not what we were taught in civics" that they've just been flummoxed by it. Kerry finally started taking off in this campaign when he began taking on the President on the war and also when he began sounding like an honest-to-God Democrat and not a pale imitation of a Republican. It's good to have some semblance of the real Democratic Party back.

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Poster: Raven Petersen Date: Jul 5, 2005 5:50pm
Forum: election_2004 Subject: Re: Socialism for America

Hello. I realize that this posting occurred months ago, but I feel the topic is still current enough for me to shed some of my light on it. I suppose you could call me a demacratic socialist. I believe that America would thrive under an equal, yet libral system like demacratic socialism. Having just graduated from high school and having my life stretching before me, one of my ambitions is to one day gather together people under a socialist government, whether it is here or elsewhere. However, back to the mattter at hand. President Bush is taking this country down the road to its indefinet end and that is not only due to his policies dealing with people. His environmental policies also are ruining our lives whether we like it or not. I am disgusted he got elected again. Giving power to someone who doesn't make the correct dicisions according to half of the country is one thing, but putting someone in power who makes dicisions which clearly affect the stability of nature itself is a horrifying prospect for me. That is why I think that power to the people, and truely the people would save our great America, land of the free and home of the brave. Thanks for reading, and feel free to reply should you come across this some time.